Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How God works

Ecc 11:5  As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.

Have you looked back over you life and counted the many ways God touched your heart early on and began His work of Grace? In my case I see  many gentle tuggings in little events. It was the in the seemingly common place things that God began to move upon me. It was first at my dear grandmother's side I heard about the Goodness of God and the coming of Jesus on the clouds. That stayed in my heart and is still there. Once I sat up late sitting at the table with an elderly neighbor who spoke to me of Christ. My heart was moved. I remember buying a record that was on sale for the pretty girl on the cover only to discover it was an album of spiritual songs by Stuart Hamblin. One particular song called "It is no secret" ministered to me and seemed to be wringing tears from me. God knows how to get the seed planted and how to water it. We do not understand fully His workings but we can be sure that He is at work. As we have opportunity to speak a word here or there let's be faithful for we know not the mission on which that word was sent.

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